Three years ago, a simple NFT sale opened the door to an extraordinary adventure. What was meant to be a brief exchange with a buyer turned into an exciting hour-long conversation, laying the foundations for a sincere friendship and a visionary project. Yves VdM, a passionate photography collector, and I quickly began regular dialogues, fueling our shared enthusiasm for art and innovation.

Inspired by my background as a photographer and the artistic influences of my sculptor father, I have always sought to push the boundaries between art and technology. This quest led me to conceive Ikigai, far more than just a curation platform and virtual gallery—a true symbiosis between the world of art and the digital universe.

In the face of the challenges of a bearish NFT market, our unwavering conviction was our greatest strength. With Yves, my partner and friend, we transformed a bold idea into tangible reality. Every sleepless night spent writing lines of code and every moment dedicated to refining our vision contributed to shaping Ikigai Labs.

The real magic of Ikigai Labs lies in its collaborative dimension. By integrating the curatorial expertise of Florence Moll, we brought together 10 talented artists, ready to illuminate our digital galaxy. The partnership with Mila Genuardi, founder of the Approche salon, born from long discussions and a shared vision, anchored our project in the physical world, creating a crucial bridge between the tangible and the virtual.

Innovation didn’t stop there. The integration of geolocated NFTs from The5ource added a fascinating interactive dimension, weaving an unprecedented link between real and digital spaces.

Ikigai embodies the Japanese concept from which it takes its name—a perfect balance between passion, talent, social impact, and economic viability. It is an ever-evolving ecosystem, nurtured by creativity and propelled by technology.

This journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of artists Edouard Taufenbach and Bastien Pourtout, whose trust and commitment were beacons during the toughest moments.

Today, as we continue to explore new horizons, Ikigai Labs remains true to its mission: to create a space where art transcends boundaries, where each NFT tells a story, and where creators’ passion meets collectors’ enthusiasm.

Ikigai Labs is not just a platform; it is the vision of responsible and innovative digital art, merging creativity and technology ethically, paving the way for extraordinary artistic possibilities.

Join us. Our odyssey is just beginning, shaping a future where digital art thrives while respecting artists, collectors, and the environment.


At IkigAI Labs XYZ, we envision a future where technology and artistry converge to create a vibrant, dynamic marketplace that empowers creators and captivates audiences worldwide. Our mission is to champion creativity, excellence, and innovation, driving the evolution of the art world through cutting-edge technology and thoughtful curation.


Our guiding philosophy is rooted in the seamless integration of technology, creativity, and community. We believe in leveraging advanced technologies to amplify artistic expression, ensuring that every creation and curation is imbued with quality, authenticity, and purpose.

Core Values

  1. Championing Creativity
    • Artistic Innovation: We support artists who push the boundaries of traditional art forms, merging them with cutting-edge technology to create groundbreaking works that inspire and captivate. Our platform is a space where creativity thrives, and innovative expressions are celebrated.
    • Lean and Agile: Before hiring, we ask: Can we solve the business need with technology or AI? Our first approach is to explore innovative technological solutions that enhance our creative processes and operational efficiency.
  2. Excellence in Curation
    • Meticulous Selection: We elevate the practice of curation to an art form itself. Our meticulous and thoughtful approach ensures that each collection we support is a harmonious blend of vision, talent, and context, providing a platform where quality and authenticity shine.
    • Strategic Efficiency: If technology alone doesn't suffice, we look for SaaS solutions that can seamlessly integrate into our workflow, providing robust and scalable results. We collaborate with agencies and experts, utilizing their specialized skills to enhance our curatorial excellence.
  3. Fostering Community
    • Engagement and Collaboration: We value the strength of community. By facilitating direct engagement between creators, galleries, and institutions, we create opportunities for meaningful interactions and collaborations that drive the art world forward.
    • Empathy and Support: Our culture promotes recognition and appreciation. Through initiatives like our Kudos program, we financially reward team members who exemplify our core values, fostering a positive and motivated workforce.
  4. Enhancing Accessibility
    • Global Reach: We are committed to making art accessible to a global audience. By leveraging high-volume digital marketplaces and innovative distribution channels, we help artists and galleries reach diverse and expansive audiences.
    • Prudent Investment: We invest thoughtfully in new channels and opportunities, testing their potential with small, controlled investments before committing significant resources. This ensures every dollar spent drives maximum value and returns.
  5. Building Trust and Sustainability
    • Blockchain Integrity: Our approach is rooted in trust and sustainability. Through the use of blockchain technology, we ensure the integrity and provenance of each artwork, creating a secure and reliable environment for artists, galleries, and collectors.
    • Sustainable Growth: Our financial strategy aims for a break-even on every initiative, ensuring long-term sustainability and financial health. We strive for a cash conversion cycle where we receive payments before settling supplier dues, guaranteeing infinite runway and operational security.
  6. Connecting Worlds
    • Digital and Physical Integration: We bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms of art. By integrating virtual experiences with physical events, we enrich the artistic journey, offering new and immersive ways for audiences to engage with art.
    • Creative Solutions: Creativity fuels our innovation. We encourage out-of-the-box thinking and experimentation, allowing us to discover unique solutions that set us apart.
  7. Education and Inspiration
    • Empowering Knowledge: We are committed to educating and inspiring the art community. By exploring the multifaceted dynamics of Web3 culture and the intersection of visual art and technology, we empower artists, galleries, and institutions with the knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age.
    • Community Empowerment: We place empathy at the heart of our interactions with consumers, employees, and partners. Understanding and addressing their needs and pain points drives our innovation and service delivery.


IkigAI Labs XYZ is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible through the intelligent application of AI and technology. Our lean and strategic approach to growth not only boosts our margins and profits but also empowers us to create lasting impacts in the industries we serve.

Our journey is defined by relentless innovation, strategic efficiency, and a deep commitment to our community and values. At IkigAI Labs XYZ, we are building a future where technology amplifies human potential, driving unparalleled success and making a meaningful difference in the world.

Together, we are shaping the future of art. IkigAI invites you to join us in this pioneering journey, where technology meets creativity, and every collaboration contributes to a vibrant and evolving artistic landscape. Welcome to the new era of art empowerment. Find your Ikigai.